About AMEP

In an Adult Migrant English Program class, you will learn English and information about Australian society. 

You will meet other new arrivals, with similar backgrounds, experiences and goals, and you may make new friends. All of these together will help you settle successfully in Australia. 

English language skills are also very important if you wish to work in Australia. At AMES Australia, the Adult Migrant English Program is delivered in rural and regional areas. 
Classes are taught by teachers who are trained to teach English to speakers of other languages.

AMES Australia delivers the AMEP through subcontracted partners in regional Victoria.

Benefits of the AMEP with AMES Australia

  • You will learn how to communicate effectively in everyday situations–from ordering coffee to asking for directions or accessing essential services–while building social relationships.
  • Because you are learning with others, you can practice participating actively in society, boosting your confidence and sense of belonging.
  • Through our comprehensive program, you can develop fluency in all aspects of English– speaking, listening, reading, and writing – making you more confident and comfortable using the language.
  • You will learn from teachers trained to teach English to speakers of other languages. They provide specialised knowledge, cultural sensitivity, and effective teaching strategies designed for non-native speakers.
  • You have access to English programs that have been developed and teaching strategies that have been refined for more than 70 years. 

What will you learn? 

  • Practical spoken and written English for life in Australia, work, and further study
  • Australian society, culture, and customs
  • Workplace communication, culture, and practices to impress potential employers
  • Skills Australian employers value most, giving you a competitive edge
  • Computer and internet knowledge skills to become tech-savvy
  • Confidence to land your dream job in Australia
  • Skills and knowledge for success in TAFE or university studies
  • Note-taking and letter-writing skills to meet exam criteria

After completing AMEP courses, you may be eligible to enroll in the following courses:

Who is eligible for the AMEP?

The Adult Migrant English Program is funded by the Australian Government and provides free English language lessons.

  • You are in Australia
  • Have a permanent visa or have an eligible temporary visa
  • Speak little or no English, you may be eligible for AMEP.

ALSO: If you had a permanent entry permit or permanent visa and are now an Australian citizen you may also be eligible, this is new!


If your Visa Commencement Date (VDC)  is on or before 1 October 2020: 

  • There are no time limits on registration, commencement and completion of AMEP tuition. 

If your VDC is after 1 October 2020: 

  • The following time limits and age restrictions apply from the date of the client’s VCD or arrival in Australia:

You must register for the AMEP by: 

  • 18 years and over → register within six months. 
  • Under 18 years of age → register within 12 months. 

Other AMEP services you might need:

Childcare services: 
When you are attending AMEP daytime classes you can access free childcare for pre-school aged children for the time you are in class. 

Please contact us to find out whether you are eligible to learn English for free with AMES Australia.

For more information about the AMEP, click here.