Workforce Australia

Find a job and get support

From 4 July 2022, Workforce Australia replaces jobactive, the Australian Government’s employment service.

Workforce Australia will help all Australians, not just people on income support, to find, keep, and change jobs or create their own job. It will connect businesses with individuals, and provide tailored case management for an individual’s needs.

Employment services providers give you tailored support to help you:

  • write resumes
  • look for work
  • prepare for interviews
  • build your skills
  • manage your mutual obligation requirements if you have them

Employment services providers can also assist you with programs, training, work experience and activities to develop the skills employers want. They may also be able to help cover the cost of certain items you may need to get a job. 

What can you expect when you choose AMES Australia as your Employment Service Provider?

  • One on one support from an experienced Employment Mentor from your own culture in your own language
  • Conversations with you about your interests, strengths, abilities and hopes to support your job readiness in your vocational journey
  • AMES Australia staff with lived experience to rely on to help you navigate your Australian journey
  • Resources and information to help you make informed decisions for you and your family
  • Tailored advice, based on your goals, for the next steps in your career including suitable education and training
  • Referrals to secure and suitable jobs
  • Follow up support to assist with the Australian working culture and ongoing support to help you navigate Government systems

What can you do now?

If you choose AMES Australia as your Employment Service Provider, you can do either one of these two options listed below to get you started in the Australian workforce.
  1. Advise Centrelink to refer you to an AMES Australia site at any time
  2. Contact us online, or at any one of our AMES Australia locations

If you have any further job seeker questions, please refer to our Job Seeker FAQs page.

Workforce Australia

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