Parents of adult Australian citizens/permanent residents considered ‘immediate family member’
Update: 4 November 2021
From 1 November 2021, parents of adult Australian citizens/permanent residents are now considered ‘immediate family members’ for the purposes of travel exemptions.
The definition of ‘parents’ include:
- biological parents
- legal (including adoptive) parents
- step-parents
- parents in-law
The parent/s hoping to travel to Australia will need to have a valid visa or have applied for a valid visa. They will then need to submit a travel exemption and also provide evidence of parental relationship to the Australian citizen/PR child, which can include birth certificate, family book, adoption certificate, along with evidence of citizenship and permanent residency of the adult child (Australian passport/birth certificate, permanent residency grants etc).
This exemption will also be available to parents of New Zealand citizen usually resident in Australia.
If you want to apply for a travel exemption or visa for your parents, speak to one of our Registered Migrations Agents on 1300 98 7071.