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HealthWays is the result of collaboration between AMES and the Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture Inc (Foundation House).
Based around a series of key discussion questions followed by information boxes and learning activities, HealthWays provides a broad range of information for new arrivals on the Australian health care system and how to access health care services.
A flip chart format of ten sections with running tabs makes it quick and easy to find the desired topic. Teachers can select from the various topics according to the interests of the class.
This resource can be used effectively with small or large groups, and provides lots of opportunities for language practice from discussion to reading comprehension and vocabulary. It also includes tasks on using the telephone directory to find out information. Accompanied by an audio cassette.
“Very impressed. Barely a health issue that new arrivals raise which isn’t in the book. Also very clear.” New arrival health worker
Suitable for adult new arrivals
Level: CSWE I & II
Writers: Jan Edmonds and Paul Learmonth
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How do I see a doctor?
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